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Effective, Safe & Professional

Whether you're not suitable for laser, have significant scarring, or the pigment you're wanting to remove is pale/white - we're proud to still be able to offer you other ways of removing your unwanted ink.

"Lift" Saline Removal

Taking an age-old method of tattoo lightening/removal which works by tattooing a salt & saline solution into the tattoo,  which by way of osmosis, breaks down and draws pigment out of the skin. Because of the mechanics of this method it can appear darker after the first sitting, and get much better results after the second. As with any removal journey, it is not a one-treatment victory, usually. 
This method stings during treatment and can feel sore after. It will almost always look very red immediately after and for up to 7-10 days until the scab has flaked away. For red pigments, the skin remains red for a few more weeks before this goes away.


One of the few clinics to offer this new technology - we are proud to be offering XTract as an alternative removal method to our clients! A newer, more holistic approach using multiple specially engineered solutions and heat to create the perfect environment for the macrophages in the skin cells to "eat" away at the tattoo ink. This method can be extremely effective, taking fewer treatments and can also be used to treat scarring and granuloma!

A moist healing environment is encouraged, which means the healing process for this method is arduous and unsightly. You will be required to keep the area covered with a cling-film like material (provided) for 3-14 days (Depending on area treated - 3 for the face) and this barrier needs replacing with fresh serum added (provided) during this time. This method is much more gentle on the skin and though the aftercare is intense, this innovative system is known to also reduce scaring. 


To learn more about the wonders of XTract visit their website here

Are you ready to begin your tattoo removal journey & want to know more about how to prepare for your appointment?

For more information, please visit our FAQ page, get in touch, or click the Book Now button below to book your patch test. 

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